About Me

I could be flippant here and say "I'm just your average dude who happens to be a dragon" and it's true enough. But that leaves out things like my heavy interest in mecha and tokusatsu(that's Japanese superhero shows for those of you not in the know), or my preferance for power and symphonic metal. So, a little bit more to give you an idea of what you might find here:

First, I -am- a dragon. I am also human. there is no contradiction between the two, just as there is no contradiction for others between "God created the universe" and "The universe started with the Big Bang." I've been aware of this since 2006, questioned the idea thoroughly, and came to a place of acceptance with it. (As a reminder, faith unquestioned, and re-affirmed, is not faith.) I've also been around furry since the 90s(yes, I am a greymuzzle) so it wasn't much of a shock compare to what some non-furry otherkin may have experienced, but it came with the added baggage of asking "is this just furry-style wishful thinking?" before I came around to my own conclusions about it. I'll never be able to do anything about it either unless biotech or robotics develops way farther and faster than I expect within my lifetime, but it is what it is. I'll be including a FAQ here about otherkinism and draconity for those curious.

Now, as I've said, I've been around furry since the 90s. I've seen the days of Usenet groups like alt.lifestyle.furry and websites like Furnation, and when you would hang out online back on Furcadia, or MUCKs like SPR or FurryMUCK. I was there for the rise of FurAffinity replacing the VCL, the mass migration into Second Life, and nowadays to VR Chat and the like(though I don't participate as there's no proper quadforms yet.) I had a fox character, that then got taurified and replaced for a short stint as a snep chakat, before I found my true self, which is what I use these days(though the chakat lives on as an OC). I'll probably never fursuit, and that's alright - it's not -necessary- to be a furry, despite what others may claim. All you have to do is really like and appreciate anthropomorphic stuff! Just don't be surprised if we tease you about having a 'sona if you hang around furry without one. That's also why I have so much art of myself and my characters - you're seeing a sum total of commissions I've bought that go back over the past 20+ years.

I've also been into mecha since the days of G1 Transformers, which opened the way, and that was ultimately what got me back into tokusatsu back when Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger is airing. Yes, my name started as a Dekaranger reference, but I've been using it for so long, that doesn't really matter much anymore. From watching subs of that, I saw the same fansub group was doing Kamen Rider Faiz, which got me into KR, and then(though it took years) finally got into Ultraman via Nexus, Max, and Mebius. The concept behind Kamen Rider is still one of my draws when making characters, as you might notice if you take a good, hard look at the themes of some of my OCs And no, I don't mean they ride a bike, wear a helmet, and make things explode with a flying kick. I'll get into more detail on that elsewhere too.

Probably the third thing which bears mention is that I've also been playing TTRPG since the days of AD&D 2nd edition. I've had times when I had a regular group, and times when I went maybe years between sessions, but I've played a bunch, scattered across different systems over the years. Besides the usual 2nd, 3rd,and 4th edition D&D you're probably familair with, I've played White Wolf's old World of Darkness, Pathfinder, Traveller, Dark Heresy, and my first long-term campaign was actually a game of Palladium Fantasy. While some characters were admittedly basically self-inserts, there are a handful of characters that have withstood the test of time(such as Jasmine, who originated on a Neverwinter Nights RP server back around 2004) and have or had some sort of significance. You'll find their profiles here, as well as ones where my muse was inspired in other places, such as Speaks-With-Bones, my 2nd era Argonian necromancer from Elder Scrolls Online, or more minor ones like the command crew of the Worldbreaker in Star Trek Online.

And since I did mention it, I suppose it would be remiss of me not to do a callout to some of my preferred musical bands. While I grew up with Classic Rock(and I still enjoy it now and then, my musical tastes these days are mostly split between anime/toku themes, and symphonic or power metal. I can't really say much about the former, just because there's not a lot of consistency outside JAM Project members, Akira Kushida, Voyager, and TM Revolution or whatever he's calling himself these days... you know, writing it out, it's more than I thought. Anyways!~ Twilight Force was one of the first bands I found on my own, besides Stratovarius, and the only album of theirs that isn't a major banger is the third one, Dawn of the Dragonstar - something about it didn't vibe right with me overall compared to the previous two(despite liking a few of the songs), or At the Heart of Wintervale. After that I got into Gloryhammer, and even post-Winkler it's not bad, though I'm definitely enjoying Angus McSix too. Faster Than Light got me into Unleash The Archers, and one I learned there was a story and listened to Apex and Abyss in order, I was hooked. Die by the Blade was my introduction to Beast in Black, and got all three of their albums on my list. Eden got me interested in Battle Beast(you can't tell me Noora doesn't look like a heavy metal Jaina Proudmoore in the video!), but mostly just for the No More Hollywood Endings album, as Master of Illusion's still the only one from Circus of Doom that I really keep going back to. Sabaton is fun once in a while, as is Grailknights. Victorious is like Gloryhammer for Power Rangers, and their last few albums have been a fun ride to catch now and then. Masters of the Multiverse got my attention on Dragony, but I'm not big into Steampunk so their following album didn't really grab me unfortunately. I've found myself enjoying the werewolf-themed songs of Powerwolf lately too, especially as they relate to one of my OCs who just so happens to be a werewolf paladin. My most recent find though was Dragonland, as I enjoyed the story of Power of the Nightstar, and the title track is very hopeful - it's like a movie in sound, much the same way as UTA's Apex/Abyss duology and the saga of Gloryhammer/Angus McSix. Lastly, how could I forget Brothers of Metal? Rocking music, fun videos, and educational on Norse myth to boot!

That's probably enough recommendations for now, so I'll catch you on the flip side!

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