F.D.V. Worldbreaker

F.D.V. Worldbreaker Command Crew of the F.D.V. Worldbreaker

The F.D.V.* Worldbreaker was commissioned shortly after the end of the Iconian War, and the signing of the Treaty of Sauria that finally ended the generations-long cold war between the Ferasans and Caitians. While finally able to field their own space force, shipyard bottlenecks meant it would be a while before the Ferasans had anything resembling even a Home Fleet in terms of hulls, so they refitted a salvaged Voth vessel for use in gravitics weapons developments and research into its applications. It was placed under the captaincy of K'Tara S'Vas dar M'Vissi due to her family connections and the promise shown in her existing gravitics research, to improve and expand on at her whims. It earned its name due to the power of the gravitic wells it's main grav lens could generate.

* F.D.V. stands for Ferasan Defense Vessel


Captain K'Tara S'Vass dar M'Vissi

K'Tara is a niece of the head of the noble clan S'Vass, a cadet branch of the ruling M'Vissi clan, in control of one of the 54 Counties of Ferasa. She was given command of the salvaged and rebuilt World Breaker to develop her gravitic weapons tech to its fullest, after she proved its worth with her ground-scale "grav gun." During the Iconian War she served as an exchange officer with the KDF, only returning after the signing of the Treaty of Sauria necessitated a restructuring of the then-small Ferasan fleet. Currently, she and her command are technically on loan to the Klingon Defense Force, despite her independent status under the Ferasan fleet.

For personal defense, in addition to her grav gun, she carries a compressed-tetryon railgun revolver she received as a gift from her uncle, as it is meant to remind others of her noble family. It has also proved effective on the battlefield as well, however, on the rare occasions it was needed.

Security Officer Zahara

Zahara is the official head armsman for, and personal bodyguard to, K'tara for the past ten years. When K'tara moved to her new command, Zahara took over as head of security, as she wouldn't trust anyone else with it. She has a strong preference for melee weapons, preferring to beat her opponents up close and personal. She has attracted the attention of quite a few males of several species, but she has repeatedly stated she would only consider someone worthy to be worthy of attention if they can best her in an unarmed wrestling match. In her entire career thus far none have been capable of this, despite it being a weekly thing among the marines to try. At this point, she's honestly not sure what she would do if someone finally did.

R'Moll and S'Danza, The Terror Twins

Brother and sister, these two have been unofficially nicknamed the "Terror Twins" by the crew of the Worldbreaker, as they are well known for ignoring all ethical and moral considerations in the pursuits of their own scientific interests. That same ruthlessness however is what got them their posts on board the Worldbreaker.

R'Moll is the male sibling of the two, specialized in the biological sciences. While officially the Chief Medical Officer, most would be prefer to be under the care of one of the other medical staff as he tends to be more fascinated by the body's reactions to the wounds than the wounds themselves, not to mention the various experimental remedies he attempts when given the leeway to do so. He is also an excellent xenobiologist, which is the true reason for his posting. While in most cases he gets along with his sister well, to the point they can finish each other's sentences, when it comes to romantic interests they will often end up fighting for the affections of the same lucky(or unlucky) woman.

S'Danza is the female sibling of the pair. Her specialty is temporal mechanics, with a deep understanding nearly on par with K'Tara's understanding of gravitics. Given the close relationships between gravity and time, she was assigned to evaluate K'Tara's research for any temporal applications. When it comes to relationships, she prefers women herself, which often brings her into conflict with her brother over her attraction of the week. So far, most of her romantic interests have not managed to last longer than a Terran month, usually just after her brother has abandoned his own attempts to woo her dating partner.

Chief Engineer Ket

Ket is a distant cousin of the M'Vissi clan, but so far removed from the succession that you would not know it if not for his clan markings. He is an expert at getting anything, usually through unofficial channels, and as such doubles as the ship's quartermaster. While he considers himself a suave rogue, in truth those he previously courted merely humored him due to his clan name. He is also a master improvisor, though not quite on the level of a Federation engineer. He would likely have had a much more impressive career if not for his mild addiction to Ferasan Nepata leaves, which has been his bane many a time, costing him several prominent positions on other vessels before his transfer to the Worldbreaker. K'Tara is not exactly pleased to have him here either, but admittedly, he is resourceful, and taking him on board earned her a few favors from elsewhere in the family.



While the Ferasans were intended as Kzinti stand-ins due to rights issues when Cryptic added them, I never felt quite comfortable with that. Long before STO, and even Star Fleet Command's games, I was familiar with the Star Fleet Battles universe. While it's technically a distinct timeline, I always pictured this as what the TOS setting actually was like, and given the Kzinti were Federation allies during the General War, and the Lyrans looked very similar but were Klingon allies, I always mentally associated the Ferasans with Lyrans. (Funnily enough, the relationship between Caitian and Ferasan is fairly close to that between Kzinti and Lyran). I also really liked the idea of a ship with a super grav well sucking in everything nearby into its maw, and then throwing out other anomalies besides into that whirling storm of destruction. Since I was already using K'tara as my main Science captain, I decided to do the build on her.

While I went through a couple other ships first, I ended up using this hull for the Worldbreaker because, while I -did- think of them primarily as Lyran, there were no catamaran hulls outside a couple rare examples and the shape of the Voth frigate/scout hull was quite reminiscent of the old Kzinti ships from SFB. Since I wanted to make it very clearly a Ferasan vessel and crew, I acquired other Ferasan officers to make up her senior staff. A combination of the dark matter device from Discovery rep(which I jokingly nicknamed her "Gravity Shotgun") and leaning so heavily into her grav well, plus the fact the deflector dish on this ship looks a lot like a lens, gave me the inspiration to make gravity research her "thing". The article about the Saurian treaty that was put out in side material gave me more fodder for her backstory, and was what inspired me to give KTara her pistol. Now, leaning into the Lyran side of things, I decided to make her a member of one of the noble clans, albeit one far form the line of succession, which gave me the idea to make her security chief her personal armsman, ala Honor Harrington's Grayson armsmen. The Terror Twins came to mind after that, and then trying to fit Ket into the matrix gave me the idea to make him a distant relative and that he was only brought on as a favor, as he was the odd one out at this point.