
"Within even the coldest tundra, there is life."

Full Name: Ahnkirra
Nicknames/Aliases: none
Concept: Ice witch khajiit who practices the Old Ways of Skyrim, specialized in ice and restoration magic
Setting: 2E Tamriel (Elder Scrolls Online)


Species: Khajiit
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 157lb


Profession: Herbalist
Hobbies: Gardening
Skills: Restoration magic, ice-related magic, medicene


Ahnkirra was born to minor nobles in Elsweyr, but when she was still young they were forced to flee north for reasons never explained to the young cub. Thus, she grew up on the outskirts of Solitude. Though her family did not want for anything thanks to their wealth, their so-called neighbors were less than welcoming and often as not she found herself wandering among the snowy lands nearby, taking in what nature had to offer. She was in her late teens when she encountered a travelling "clever woman" who sensed something in her. After a fond farewell with her parents, she left to study the ways of the ice and of the Green, and the Old Magics. Eventually they parted ways, as the clever woman had duties elsewhere, and Ahnkirra was becoming impatient, curious about what lay beyond the snows. Taking on the title of "ice witch," though she had little in common with the covens of the Reach, she began to journey westward, before falling prey to slavers based out of Firemoth Island. Before they could do anything with her though, there was a breakout, which led to involvement in a daedric plot on Vvardenfall. Once those affairs were dealt with she tried to leave, only to be suckered into an ambush by Worm Cultists. She was delivered to Mannimarco, and like many others, was sacrificed reborn in Coldharbor minus her soul. Escaping from there stranded her in northern Morrowind, where she became caught up in the affairs of the Ebonheart Pact. While aiding them however, she found herself chasing daedra again, this time into Clockwork City, and from there to the Summerset Isles before their plot was finally ended. She barely had time to rest after that before the Pact called in their favors, and she returned to Skyrim once more to first aid Jorunn, then to investigate rumors of strange Reachman activity in the western half of Skyrim. During her time there, she attempted to visit her parents, but they had left during her long years away. With no further way to reach them, she put thoughts of them aside to focus on her mission there, and trust that they were safe.


Relying on magic, Ahnkirra tends to dress for comfort more than protection, relying on ice-enhanced stahlrim and magical shields to protect her if her opponents get to close. Given that her fur, thick for a Khajiit, keeps her warm in colder climes and hot in warmer ones, this means her outfits tend to be rather more revealing than one would expect from a Skyrim native. Her clothes tend to be finer in make as well, as she still has a taste for luxury that seems at odds with her witch nature. And though she would never outwardly admit it, secretly she enjoys the attention her appearance occasionally draws.

Offensively, she relies on ice magic as well, whether it be freezing the ground underneath her opponents, conjuring up spikes of ice to impale them, or surrounding herself in a miniature blizzard so cold that it leaves an opponent frostbitten in a matter of moments.

Her preferred magic when not in danger, however, is that of the Green. Channeling restoration spells, she can call forth dormant mushrooms or fast growing flowers and transfer their strength and life energy directly into the wounded, She also knows a few old Nordic spells of healing to supplement her abilities when nature is not enough.

Lastly, for travelling when on her own, she has tamed a ice atronoch and re-shaped it to resemble a horse. Though not of much use in combat, she is able to conjure it from Oblivion as needed.


Her thicker fur makes her more susceptible to hot environments - though most Khajiit speak longingly of warm sands, she is most comfortable with cold snows under her paws. She is also only passingly familiar with the other aspects of Destruction magic, and can only cast novice fire and shock spells. Her reliance on spells for both offense and defense can also leave her vulnerable, with only a dagger or staff to defend herself when her magicka has been all but used up.


For Blood, Honor, and Glory



Ahnkirra is probably my third or fourth character ever in Elder Scrolls Online. I liked the idea of a warden healer, and her ice magic combined with that gave me the inspiration to theme her as an "ice witch". Due to her Snow Leopard fur pattern, I ended up placing her into Skyrim for her origin once I landed on that, but Alliance Change tokens had not come out yet, so I recreated her to replace her original Aldmeri allegience with Pact membership, and headcanoned her as my primary(and canon) Pact vestige. The Western Skyrim content that showed us more of the Old Magicks later on gave me even more fodder for her "ice witch" gimmick, integrating that as part of her backstory as well. As she didn't have the reach outside Tamriel of Lunaria, or the obvious annual holiday theme to play on of Speaks, when I stepped partially away from ESO and stopped regularly healing she fell a bit into obscurity - she was still a strong third of my ESO characters, but I never leaned as hard into her after Greymoor's arc finished. I still love her design, and her ice witch theme, and even built a mage tower for her in Western Skyrim, but she still falls short of the line to stand with my other iconic characters, for now.