
Sometimes, I have a topic I really want to write out my opinion or thoughts on, or information to share, and that's what you'll find here. this is meant to be more than a blog, as most of what I intend to put here won't be specific to a period of time or portion of my life, but more like little essays. There's also a little bit I wrote about myself as well, for those curious!

When most people think of Kamen Rider(of those who are aware of this particular Japanese superhero franchise) they think of bug-themed heroes riding bikes, usually with some funky belt gadget linked to transforming them into their superhero form. The bike portion has fallen way off in the past de...

Admittedly, this is less of a rambling, and more of a sharing of sites that may help clarify things. Back when I first found myself, there were a lot more resources for dragonkin(and other otherkin) but a lot have faded from public view, or been lost, over the years. A few are still around, and...

I could be flippant here and say "I'm just your average dude who happens to be a dragon" and it's true enough. But that leaves out things like my heavy interest in mecha and tokusatsu(that's Japanese superhero shows for those of you not in the know), or my preferance for power and symphonic metal....