Character Profiles

Over many years I've created and expanded on quite a few characters, between tabletop role-playing games, video games, and other such media. Some didn't have much to them, not persisting beyond the single adventure or playthrough, or merely acting as a self-insert. Others have had a bit more longetivity, for one reason or another, and it is those that I'll be sharing here. They have tended to come in two categories:

Core Characters (a.k.a. Fatewalkers)

These you might consider my "Primary" characters. They are the ones I feel drawn to the most, and have had the most effort and love put into them, both in development and in art. Each tends to be fairly distinct in some fashion, usually with some story of their own to tell, a unique look, and a concept I find fun to explore and expand on. Most are tied in some fashion to tabletop RPGs, though not all are.

Other Characters of Note

These are characters where I've come up with a concept, but have not expanded on it much past their initial development. They have enough staying power that I do pull them out occasionally, and each has a concept I do really like, but none of them have received the same level of development or care that my main set of characters have, be it from lack of opportunity, lack of ideas, or lack of portability to happen in another setting or game system.