
“Space is a dangerous place, but within it lies our future."

Full Name: Captain M'rel Ngral'r of the FSS Excalibur
Nicknames/Aliases: none
Concept: Caitian starship captain of a long-range exploratory starship
Setting: Chakatverse


Species: Caitian
Gender: Female
Age: 47
Height: 1.48m
Weight: 52kg


Profession: Stellar Federation Starship Captain
Hobbies: Model-building
Skills: Starship combat tactics, leadership, knowledge of astrophysics and spacial anomalies


M'Rel was the XO for the FSS Resolute for several years, until it was damaged beyond repair in an encounter with a pirate Q-ship. After a few months to recover mentally from the experience and loss of her captain, she was put in charge of the third of the new Moebius-class long range cruisers, teh FSS Excalibur. For their shakedown cruise, she took them on an anti-piracy patrol near the Nonaligned Worlds, and met with success in both stopping a smuggling operation, and finding and capturing the Q-ship that she had encountered before. With the operation completed, her command was put on detached duty with the Star Corps to explore out beyond Tigris, as long range exploration was one of the purposes for which the class had been designed.


M'rel has a excellent head for tactics, and was second in her class at the Academy when it came to combat situations. She would far prefer to be out seeing new worlds and making new discoveries, however. She is also unusually knowledgeable about stellar phenomena for a command track officer, as her secondary MOS was in the sciences, specifically astrophysics.


Since the loss of the Resolute, she has developed an intense dislike for pirates and smugglers. She also still continues to have the occasional nightmare about the loss of the ship and her captain, even years later, but thankfully it has yet to affect her waking hours.



M'rel was originally created for Star Trek Online, but Caitians are common to both that and the Chakatverse. That got me thinking about bringing her over, along with her ship, a modified Eclipse class, but re-imagined as a long range exploration cruiser given the four nacelles, and their unique design. At the time, STO had not added the option of real hair to STOCaitians, but it is a thing for Chakatverse Caitians, so after playing around in Photoshop for a bit, I ended up getting the image above to establish her look in that setting, then wrote a two-part story about how she got her command, and establishing her bridge crew and sending her off on her ultimate mission of exploration. I actually had several more stories planned, modeling it after a season of Star Trek in structure, but I couldn't get the 3rd "episode" to a place I was happy with and eventually left it unfinished. I may go back to it someday, but that is far from certain.

Alternate Timelines

Captain M'Rel Darkclaw, USS Warlock - This version of M'Rel was recruited by her future self right out of Starfleet Academy to gather information on the Iconians, in hopes of making preparations for their coming. She was able to do so, but unable to prevent the Iconian War from happening. While it brought great destruction to the quadrant, she and her crew were instrumental in bringing the war to a close. She has been involved in several other major operations since then as well, such as the Hurq invasion, and the most recent mirror universe incursion to claim V'Ger for their own. Currently, she commands a Gagarin-class battlecruiser, the USS Warlock.